Buku Anak Import :
Wipe Clean Activity Book Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Price Rp 40.000
14 wipe clean pages - Soft Cover - 21 x 29.5 cm - Language: English - Published by Brijbasi...
Wipe Clean Activity Book Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Price Rp 40.000
14 wipe clean pages - Soft Cover - 21 x 29.5 cm - Language: English - Published by Brijbasi Art Press Limited India - Estimasi berat: 200 grams
Buku tipe wipe-clean ini bisa ditulis-tulisi dan dihapus dengan mudah menggunakan lap lembab/tissue basah.
Ada banyak activity di dalamnya: Spot the Difference, Dot-to-Dot, Colour the Shapes, Colour by Letter, Word Hunt, Complete the Picture, Maze, Trace and Colour, dll.
Seru banget deh dan educative tentunya.
Bisa menggunakan spidol whiteboard yang bisa dibeli di toko-toko alat tulis.