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24 Jun 2015

Word Pass - Rhyming Word Dice Game (spelling, predictable patterns, and more!) (99k)

Word Pass - Rhyming Word Dice Game (spelling, predictable patterns, and more!) (CSDL-DICE-WPASS)
Price Rp 99.000

- Kemasan tabung - Ukuran tabung diameter 6.3cm tinggi 12cm (ada tentengan di bagian atas) - Language: English - Published by Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC USA - Estimasi berat: 200 grams

Get ready for some fun in this exciting rhyming word dice game! Word Pass will keep you in the game all the way to the last play!
Create words from the roll of the die, but be ready for new challenges passed your way! Earn points by finding original words in each word family rolled.
Skills covered include spelling, predictable patterns, and more!
Includes 6 dice, 1 notepad, and 1 pencil.
Ages 6y and up.
2-8 players.

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